About Us

Rub45 started here in San Gabriel Valley by Tim Gray. Tim always had a fascination for cooking good home-style food. Similar to what his grandmother Joyce would make as he grew up. From her upside down pineapple cakes to her homemade Apple pie. That light crispy crust still resonating in your mouth as you bite into the pie. In pursuit of finding that same homemade pie is what brought Tim to where he is now.

With his love of food and entertaining his friends Rub45 started. First with his backyard barbecues. That not only impressed his friends by expanded his desire to learn more about the fine art of smoking the meats. Learning what types of rubs to use and playing around with their special blends to draw out the “right” heat. To learning the types of wood to use in the smoker. The passion that Tim has for his food and wanting to give his friends the best that he can is what you’ll find in his products here at Rub 45. This passion and desire to give the best will be what you will taste in his foods.

Thank you for visiting Rub45.